The gamine style essence is a yang essence, its particular type of yang being playfully dramatic yang.
Gamine clothing features sharp angles and edges and square shapes.
Its silhouette is a compact, staccato one. To achieve an eclectic look, bright colours and patterns are mixed and matched freely.
I. Characteristics
Note: The following characteristics are typically associated with this style essence. Don't get hung up on them; you may look different but still have this style essence.
Individuals with the gamine style essence tend to have a petite or short body type. This doesn't necessarily mean that only short people can have the gamine style essence, but the body is compact in a way that makes long and oversized clothing overwhelming.
Gamines often have a 'boyish' looks. Their facial features tend to remain childlike even into adulthood and communicate a bold youthfulness.
Compared to others, individuals with the gamine style essence tend to look 'whimsical.' They tend to be energetic and impish and poke fun at fashion. The gamine style essence communicates youthful rebelliousness.

Wardrobe Staples
Everything you need to build a gamine wardrobe is in The Wardrobe Guide.
Explore Wardrobe StaplesPhysical Features
I. Vertical line
The gamine essence is one of two 'petite' essences. Therefore, individuals with the gamine style essence typically have a short vertical line, meaning they appear short. Often, they are actually short (5'5 feet and under), but it's also possible for a person to simply appear short despite their actual height. This is what is referred to as a short vertical line.

II. Body type
Individuals with the gamine style essence tend to have a straight and narrow body as opposed to a curvy, round one. They lack defining feminine curves and will often have a small or undefined bust. Shoulders are typically sharp-edged.
- Short vertical line
- Sharp-edged shoulders
- Small, narrow bust
- Undefined waist
- Lack of defining curves
- Straight body type
III. Facial features
Individuals with the dramatic style essence often have childlike features. Their faces may appear less mature continuing into adult life. They may have a 'boyish' rather than feminine appearance. Facial features may be visibly asymmetrical.

Gamine / Dramatic / Ingenue
These three style essences share similar characteristics, but they are not the same.
Bot the gamine and dramatic style essence are yang essences. But in contrast to the dramatic essence, the gamine essence has a shorter vertical line and can only wear a staccato (broken) silhouette. The dramatic essence, on the other hand, only looks good in a long, unbroken silhouette.
Like the ingenue style essence, the gamine essence is a 'petite' essence, meaning they both have a short vertical line. But since it is a yang essence, the gamine silhouette is square and angled, whereas the ingenue silhouette is soft and flowing (as it is a yin essence).

II. Gamine Style Essence Test
Note: If you want to assess your unique combination of style essences in a comprehensive test, please refer to The Wardrobe Guide.
Do you have the gamine style essence?
The visual image of the gamine style essence is youthful and bold. So if you instead look like an odd piece of abstract art in gamine clothing, you do not have this style essence.

The Wardrobe Guide
Not sure if you have the gamine style essence? Take the comprehensive test in the wardrobe guide.
Learn More
III. The Gamine Style Essence
The gamine style essence is a yang essence, its particular type of yang being playfully dramatic yang.
Gamine clothing features sharp angles and edges and square shapes. Its silhouette is a compact, staccato one. To achieve an eclectic look, bright colours and patterns are mixed and matched freely.
The gamine style essence creates a youthful, boyish image and an overall visual impression of rebelliousness and creativity.
The gamine style essence can be associated with the themes of youth, rebelliousness and eclecticism. Abstract paintings with bold, eclectic patterns best represent this style essence.

Elements of a gamine outfit
- Short, staccato silhouette
- Small, square shapes
- Compact garments
- Mix between stiff and loose fabrics
- Bold, contrasting colours
- Colour- & pattern-blocking
- Elaborate details
- Sparing accessories
The Gamine Silhouette
The gamine silhouette is a square - short and straight with sharp edges.
Garments are short and fitted rather than oversized. Fabrics are mixed and matched freely.
The silhouette is broken up through colour- and pattern-blocking (staccato silhouette) to create a colourful potpourri.

Wardrobe Staples
For a full collection of gamine wardrobe staples, check out The Wardrobe Guide.
Explore Wardrobe StaplesIV. Styling Principles
The best garments for any style essence aims at mimicking the natural lines of that style essence's physical characteristics.
For the gamine style essence that means following the compact shapes and straight lines of individuals with this style essence. In addition, the gamine style essence is associated with youthful rebelliousness and playfulness.
To achieve this look in clothing, Gamines look best when they incorporate the following clothing styles into their outfits:
Compact Shapes
The gamine style essence is a petite essence. Therefore, gamines look best in compact, square designs. Long and oversized garments will overwhelm this type. Shorter dresses and jackets, short skirts, and shorts are ideal.
The same goes for accessories. Keep your bags, sunglasses etc. small - no oversized items.

Boyish Designs
The gamine essence is a yang essence, meaning clothing should be straight and sharp-edged. Boyish tailoring and designs are therefore well-suited for this essence. Leather jackets, dungarees, boy caps, boots etc. all work well on Gamines.

Wardrobe Staples
For a full collection of gamine wardrobe staples, check out The Wardrobe Guide.
Explore Wardrobe StaplesCreative Patterns & Prints
The gamine style essence is a bold one. Creative patterns and prints are a must and best if they are small-scale. Geometric patterns (think squares and stripes) work best to accommodate the yang element of this essence.

Mix & Match
The gamine silhouette is staccato, meaning it is broken. This is achieved through colour-blocking and mixing patterns and prints freely. Don't be afraid to combine patterned bottoms with a patterned top. The more colourful, the more impactful.

Elaborate Details
While jewellery is not something that Gamines wear well, details are vital. Be it buttons, interesting collars, or cuffs - anything that adds extra interest is preferable over plain designs.

Vintage Designs
Due to their playful and creative designs, retro and vintage styles work extremely well on the gamine style essence.