The angelic style essence is the most yin essence on the spectrum (although it flows back into yang), its particular type of yin being ethereal yin.
Since the characteristic shape of this essence is the S-shape, angelic clothing features long, flowing silhouettes, flaring shapes, and lots of draping and webbing.
I. Characteristics
Note: The following characteristics are typically associated with this style essence. Don't get hung up on them; you may look different but still have this style essence.
As the most yin essence on the spectrum, the characteristic shape of the angelic style essence is the S-shape. Consequently, the physical appearance of individuals with the angelic style essence is generally tall but softened with exotic facial features.
Angelic body types give the impression of height, length and softness. The body often has quite defined curves.
The look of an Angelic tends to be more ‘mysterious’ compared to others. Adjectives like ethereal, mystical, or 'old soul' could be used to describe individuals of the angelic style essence.
Their features communicate otherworldliness and mysticism.

Wardrobe Staples
Everything you need to build an angelic wardrobe is in The Wardrobe Guide.
Explore Wardrobe StaplesPhysical Features
I. Vertical line
Length is a crucial characteristic of the angelic style essence. Therefore, individuals with the angelic style essence typically have a long vertical line, meaning they appear tall. Often, they are actually tall (5'7 feet and over), but it's also possible for someone to simply appear tall. This is what is referred to as a long vertical line.

II. Body type
Since the angelic style essence is a combination of pure yin and yang features, their body type is also a combination of features. Individuals with the angelic style essence tend to have a long body (yin) that gives the appearance of height, but they may also have a big bust or defined waist (yin) that softens their body.
- Long vertical line
- Sharp-edged or round shoulders
- (Possibly) big bust
- Somewhat defined waist
- Some defining curves
- Stretched hourglass body type
III. Facial features
Individuals with the angelic style essence often have defined, prominent features in combination with soft ones. They may have an angular jawline, prominent, high cheekbones, but a small nose or big eyes. This gives them an exotic, often otherwordly look.

Angelic / Romantic / Dramatic
While the angelic style essence sits on the farthest yin end of the spectrum, it flows back into the yang end. This means the angelic essence combines both yin and yang features.
Both the romantic and angelic essence are yin essences. In contrast to the romantic essence, however, the angelic essence has a longer vertical line and can only wear a long silhouette. The romantic essence, on the other hand, only looks good in a shorter, flowing silhouette.
Like the dramatic style essence, the angelic essence also has a long vertical line; but it has no harsh edges like the dramatic essence. Consequently, the angelic silhouette is flowing and moving rather than tailored and stiff.

II. Angelic Style Essence Test
Note: If you want to assess your unique combination of style essences in a comprehensive test, please refer to The Wardrobe Guide.
Do you have the angelic style essence?
The visual image of the angelic style essence is mysterious and otherworldly. So if you don't look like a goddess from another world in angelic clothing, you do not have this style essence.

The Wardrobe Guide
Not sure if you have the angelic style essence? Take the comprehensive test in the wardrobe guide.
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III. The Angelic Style Essence
The angelic style essence is the most yin essence on the spectrum (although it flows back into yang), its particular type of yin being ethereal yin.
Since the characteristic shape of this essence is the S-shape, angelic clothing features long, flowing silhouettes, flaring shapes, and lots of draping and webbing.
The angelic style essence creates a mystical, otherworldly image and an overall visual impression of mysticism and spirituality.
The angelic style essence can be associated with the themes of mysticism, mythical creatures, and the cosmos.

Elements of an angelic outfit
- Long, S-shaped silhouette
- Unstructured, moving shapes
- Flowing fabrics
- Transparent & iridescent colours
- Plain designs
- Large, moving details
- Abstract prints
- Elemental accessories
The Angelic Silhouette
The angelic silhouette is best described as S-shape because it’s moving and flowing. Fabrics should be lightweight and moving.
The silhouette is long and unbroken. It's only defined through the movement of garments.

Wardrobe Staples
For a full collection of angelic wardrobe staples, check out The Wardrobe Guide.
Explore Wardrobe StaplesIV. Styling Principles
The best garments for any style essence are those that mimic and repeat that essence's natural lines, shapes, and themes.
The angelic silhouette is S-shaped, which means it is moving and flowing. Angelic clothing is therefore also long and flowing. The visual impression this essence creates is one of mysticism and spirituality.
To achieve this look in clothing, Angelics look best when they incorporate the following style principles into their wardrobe:
Flaring Shapes
Stiff, unmoving shapes are out of place on this style essence; everything has to flow. And the best way to achieve this is through flaring shapes. That can be in the form of dresses or trousers or even just sleeves. But the clothing has to move - it can't be stiff.

Fine Textures
The angelic style essence is ethereal - it floats and flows; and so should its fabrics. Fine satin and silk that is almost translucent work very well.
For accessories this means materials from the earth that are rare and iridescent - such as pearls (but in their natural shape) and diamonds.

Wardrobe Staples
For a full collection of angelic wardrobe staples, check out The Wardrobe Guide.
Explore Wardrobe StaplesDraping & Webbing
The angelic style essence is flowing and wants to be wrapped and draped. Stiff materials and cuts are inappropriate here. Make sure your clothes have room to move.

Transparent & iridescent colours
What better evokes mysticism than iridescent, transparent, and shiny textures? And hand in hand with that iridescence go ethereal colours. The angelic style essence looks best in the colours of the cosmos and mythical places - think purple, sea blue and green, creams, taupes as well as gold and silver etc. The shinier, the better.

Wings & Feathers
The angelic style essence is closely linked to mythical creatures - and those creatures often have wings. It makes them look majestic and powerful. And therefore, any wing-like design or actual feathers will add to the majestic appearance of this type.
For accessories, this can be in the form of actual winged creatures such as butterflies.

Abstract, Mystical Patterns
Although angelic designs are flowing and moving, they are rather plain. However, patterns are okay as long as they are highly abstract and portray mystical elements.